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No 1 (2020)
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5-16 271
The relevance of an integrated approach to the restoration of damaged ecosystems in places of mining is shown. Gaps have been identified in the existing legislative acts regulating relations in the field of land restoration. Criteria are established for assessing the prospects of using the restored (reclaimed) territories depending on their functional purpose. Models have been created for the integrated functional use of the territory for the short and long term, taking into account alternatives caused by the dynamics of the landscape-geochemical conditions of the territory. An algorithm has been developed for implementing an integrated approach for restoration of damaged ecosystems at mining sites, approved by a local statutory act.


17-22 207
The current system of charging a fee (environmental tax) for the discharge of wastewater into natural water objects has two significant drawbacks: 1) it is not taken into account that even if the concentrations of pollutants are within the norm, the mass of emissions of pollutants can be exceeded; 2) there are no decreasing coefficient (or other tax benefits) for enterprises that discharge their wastewater with concentrations of pollutants significantly below the permissible. To address these shortcomings, it is proposed to: 1) establish the raising coefficients to the rate of the ecological tax depending on degree of excess of the actual weight of dumping of polluting substances in relation to the maximum permissible mass; 2) to provide reduction coefficients for the enterprises which dump their waste water within admissible volumes and with the concentrations of polluting substances, much smaller, than admissible. The formulas for calculating the above-mentioned coefficients are developed.


23-30 307
Genetic variability and structure of non-indigenous vs native populations are compared for the tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) that established in Belarusian rivers since 2007. The present study examined sequence COI gene of tubenose gobies from Eurasian and Great Lakes locations. Results showed that native and alien populations of tubenose goby characterize by diverse number of haplotypes. The genetic characters of invasive populations also indicate high genetic variability. The sequence of the COI gene characterizes by a relatively high index of haplotype diversity and a low index of nucleotide diversity. Such indicators of genetic diversity are characteristic of stable and genetically integral populations, which expand their range with a high value of the effective number.
31-39 223
For the first time, the values of the macrozoobenthos average abundance in Severnyi Volos lake and Yuzhnyi Volos lake (which belong to the Braslav Lakes group of the National Park “Braslav lakes”) were determined. Despite the similar trophic status of the lakes, the average abundance in lake Yuzhnyi Volos was 3 times higher due to the more favorable oxygen regime. In both lakes the population mainly consists of the Chironomidae larvae (in lake Yuzhnyi Volos – 55.8 %, in lake Severnyi Volos –70.1 %). It has been found that community abundance in general, its distinct taxonomic groups and species vary with depth. The distribution of the total abundance is similar in both lakes: from the shallow-water site with increasing depth there is rise up to the maximum values, and then there is a decrease to the profundal. Each of the lakes had its own peculiarities. Minimum abundance in lake Yuzhnyi Volos were observed at the coastal station, in lake Severnyi Volos – at maximum depth. Low abundance of the zoobenthos in the coastal zone of lake Yuzhnyi Volos is a result of the underdevelopment of higher aquatic vegetation, and the maximum depths of lake Severnyi Volos are characterized by a lack of oxygen, which also is a limiting factor. Differences observed in the distribution of individual groups and species, depend on changes in temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration, which determines the development of certain species populations in these conditions. Both benthic relic species Pallasiopsis quadrispinosa Sars, 1867 and Monoporeia affinis Lindström, 1885, although they live at depth, are spatially separated – the Monoporea has a maximum at the 20 m depth, and Pallasiopsis inhabits less deep bottom areas.
40-45 215

There are the results of comparative investigation in test culture on recultivated areas of peat deposits in Smalyavichy (Minsk Region) and Dokshytsy (Vitebsk Region) districts of influence of mineral (Basacot Plus 6) and organic (Ekogum-complex, 5 and 10 % MaKloR) fertilizings on the basic biometrical characteristics of vegetative organs of five-year-old generative American cranberry plants cv. Ben Lear (early-ripe) and cv. Stevens (late-ripening), taking into account significant interregional, genotypic and intervariant differences in their response. The stimulating effect of the tested agricultural methods on the formation of the current growth of generative shoots with an increase in their average length in the Smalyavichy District by 16–49 % and the number of leaves by 15–39 %, compared to the control, has been established. It ensured the obtaining of a positive cumulative effect from their use in the amount of 5–57 %. In more northern Dokshytsy District activation by 6–21 % of a new appearance of generative shoots with increase in their average length by 6–21 % was determined. This result, despite 10-16 % decrease in the number of leaves because of microbial preparation application, provided cumulative positive effect in the amount of 25–48 % (the greatest effectiveness was observed in both districts with Basacot Plus 6 fertilizer application). Efficiency of Ecogum-complex fertilizer was shown for cv. Ben Lear in Smalyavichy District in comparison with Dokshytsy District. And the microbial preparation MaCloR was the least effective, especially in its 10% concentration (its effectiveness was 4-12 times lower than that of Ecogum complex). At the same time, cv. Stevens has been found to reduce differences in efficiency of mineral and mickrobic fertilizers to 3 times the size with similar efficiency of both MaCloR concentration. And inhibition of sprouting in Ekogum-complex treatment, the use of which in Dokshytsy District, on the contrary, it had an extremely positive effect comparable to that of the application of 10 % MacCloR, which was roughly twice that of mineral fertiliser with a negative cumulative effect of 5 % MacCloR.

46-48 214
Finds of Meria dorsalis (Fabricius, 1804), a new species of typhiid wasps for fauna of Belarus of subfamily Myzininae, tribe Meriini (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae), are analyzed. The material was collected in summer 2018–2019 on the territory of Gomel region.
49-57 287
For the first time, a comprehensive study of the epiphytic component of bryoflora of Polesia region was carried out. The composition of epiphytic bryophytes and their distribution among groups of forest-forming tree species, ecological and geographical features are presented. Rare species are highlighted. The questions of the evolution of bryophytes epiphytism are raised.
58-61 282
The results of study of localization and composition of coumarin compounds in leaf tissues of Sosnowsky’s hogweed are presented. The presence of four coumarins in extracts from epidermis and parenchyma and three furocoumarins substances in extract of vascular bundles was established.
62-69 192
The article considers the issues of biodiversity of bryophytes. The studies were made in Belarus and Eastern Europe on the basis of mapping on 390 squares (100 × 100 km). Four subregions (boreal-baltic, boreal-taiga, nemoral-western and nemoral-central) are distinguished in the Belarus, the distribution of bryophytes species was characterized, rare specific species of bryophytes for each subregion were given. Studies have shown that each subregion in a bryological sense, despite its territorial and natural proximity, is characterized by a fairly high species specificity. Only 53 % of bryophytes species in Belarus grow in all 4 subregions, and 60 species (or 12.8 %) grows in only one subregion. More close connections with the main parts of the subregions show the territories of the non-moral zone, in the smaller – the boreal zone. Maps of Belarus bryophytes species distribution on the territory of Eastern Europe are presented.


70-79 163
This paper reports long-term changes in the Duration of Arctic Invasions (DAI) and their relationship with cyclonic activity and characteristics of the general circulation of the atmosphere (Arctic, North Atlantic and Pacific oscillations). We assessed the relationships of DAI in various sectors of the Northern Hemisphere for the period of 1899–2017 and also we analyzed their linear trends for the entire study period and its individual subperiods. It is shown that the time series of DAI could be satisfactorily described by a three-component model that includes a linear trend and two harmonic components with the periods of 20–30 and 50–60 years.
80-91 221
The results of comparison between the concentrations of surface ozone, measured in all regional cities of Belarus in different years, and those calculated within the concept of surface ozone field homogeneity over the territory of Belarus, are presented. Based on the experimental data, the climatic normal of surface ozone in clear atmosphere and the dependence of ozone on meteorological conditions and anthropogenic pollution were used. The results of the comparison are in a good agreement. The cases of inconsistency between the computation and experimental results as well as the weak points of the technique and some ways of their correction are discussed. Among the important unsolved problems there is the absence of international certification for the measuring equipment involved in the process of data collection and, therefore, for the obtained results, which, undoubtedly,
affects the quality of the calculation procedure, based on the scope of measurement data. Yet, this does not hamper improving and adjusting the technique for observation data processing and analysis. Both directions – enhancing the network of observations and advancing methods for data analysis – ought to be developed concurrently so that with enhancing the network, improving the quality of measurements and extending the list of monitored pollutants one would only have to enlarge initial database and use elaborated processing techniques.


92-98 250
The article discusses the current status of industrial and household waste collection, possible options for their recycling and reuse. This article addresses the problems of the impact of waste on the environment as well as weaknesses of various waste processing methods.
99-107 173
The survival rate and intensity of growth of forest crops depends on the quality of seedlings, which is directly determined by the perfection of growing technologies. The use of environmentally friendly plant protection products is the most rational way to improve the quality of planting material. Nevertheless, due to the wide variety of preparations, not all of them are thoroughly tested on conifers. This article presents the results of study of the effect of treatment of seeds and senets of pine with mixtures of growth regulators Ecosil Mix and Ekosil Plus, microfertilizer Gisinar-M and fungicide Vincit Forte on the quality of ball-rooted seedlings. For the most accurate identification of the effects of plant protection products, biometric and physiological-biochemical parameters of plants were measured (the intensity of lipid peroxidation and the concentration of photosynthesis pigments in needles). As a result, a positive effect of the treatments on the growth processes and metabolism of common pine seedlings was revealed.


108-121 290
The article presents the results of a retrospective analysis of the development of the methodology and the main theoretical provisions related to the assessment of tourist and recreational infrastructure for the period from 1990 to the present. During the period under review, two branches were identified in the development of scientific recreational schools in Central and Eastern Europe-the Russian and Belarusian ones. The Belarusian school emphasizes using of a comprehensive economic and geographical analysis and the theory of optimal model of recreational space, and the problem field of its research is the optimization of the territorial organization of tourist and recreational infrastructure in countries and regions, as well as improving the management system of the hospitality sector. The Russian school is characterized by using of multi-factor economic and geographical analysis and methods of mathematical statistics. The range of leading problems of representatives of the Russian branch is connected with the need to increase the level of provision of hotel and restaurant facilities in various regions of Russia and improve the quality of service in them; and with the analysis of factors of development of territories for the formation of a system of tourist and recreational infrastructure, including the development of targeted measures to optimize the studied tourist and recreational space.


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ISSN 1810-9810 (Print)