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No 1 (2018)
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5-22 214
Given the dynamics of water use in river basins of Belarus for the period 2006–2015. To date, extraction (withdrawal) of water decreased in the whole country by 15 %, and the extraction of groundwater was reduced by 20 % and withdrawal of surface waters has decreased by 7 %. The volumes of wastewater discharges into surface water bodies decreased by 7 %. The analysis of the causes of changes in main indices of water use. Identified water users that have the greatest impact on the ecological status of surface water bodies. On the basis of accepted criteria, assess the degree of negative influence of the major water users on the water quality of surface water hydrochemical indicators. It is established that the greatest difference between actual and allowable values of production (withdrawal) of water is characterized by the basin of the Pripyat river, the lowest – the basins of rivers Neman and Western Dvina, between the actual and permissible values of wastewater discharges – the river basins of the Pripyat and the Dnieper, the smallest is also the basins of rivers Neman and Western Dvina. It justifies the distinction between factual and normative volumes of water consumption and water disposal in the context of water users and river basins. To control and clarify permissible amounts of water proposed to give permits for special water use data on the sources of information used in the calculations. When setting permissible discharge it is recommended to use the basic principle that will help to reasonably allocate the assimilative capacity of the river basin among water users with its limitations.
23-31 312
The article analyzes the hydrological regime of the Vilia River at its transboundary site for the entire observation period. The basis of the research was the annual data on the regime and resources of surface waters of the land mass of the state water cadastre for 1946–2015, as well as data on water use for 1976–2015. The consequences of the change in the hydrological regime of the Viliya River after the construction of the Vileika Reservoir and the Vileyka-Minsk Water System (VMWS) are estimated. The amount of irretrievable water consumption and water losses in the basin of Viliya in the first years of operation of the VMWS exceeded 15 % of the river runoff in the low-water year with 95 % of the supply, and in the last 10 years it decreased to 11 %. The possible changes in the characteristics of the water regime of the Viliya River after the commissioning of the Belarusian NPP have been determined. The planned water consumption and diversion of technical wastewater from the BNPP to the Viliya River can lead to a change in the three main characteristics of the water regime: reduction of water costs at the transboundary site; reduction of water levels in limiting (for the border service) periods of time; displacement of the date of formation and destruction of freeze-up due to the discharge of heated wastewater of the BNPP. The commissioning of BNPP will lead to small negative changes in the water regime of Viliya in the transboundary range, which can well be compensated by water management measures on the territory of Belarus.
32-39 150
Development of closed water-rotation systems with the replacement of natural water by the enterprises waste water is one of the most effective technological methods of rational use of natural water resources. The influence of impurity cations (iron, aluminum, copper and additional magnesium) in the individual state and in the mixture on the process of formation of calcium carbonates has been studied. To inhibit the formation of calcium carbonate in the laboratory, the effect of carboxyl-containing water-soluble polymers - sodium polyacrylate with MM 5100, sodium polymethacrylate with MM 4000, a copolymer of acrylic and maleic acid with MM 3000 in the individual state was studied. The research was carried out on model systems. It is shown on model systems, that presence of iron, aluminum, copper salts in the waste water initiates calcium carbonate formation and decrease in the induction period of precipitation by 1.2–1.4 times. Thus, using of high efficiency inhibitory reagents is necessary in closed water circulation systems. It was determined, that carboxyl-containing water-soluble polymers (molecular weight from 3000 to 5000) addition increases in induction period of precipitation: by 2.7 times with using of sodium polyacrylate, by 2.4 times with using of sodium polymethacrylate and by 1.9 times with using of copolymer of acrylic and maleic acid. On the basis of the results obtained,it was concluded, that it is useful to apply water-soluble polymers as precipitation inhibitors in closed water circulation systems of enterprises with complex composition waste water.


40-64 639
There is a brief historical review covered over 200 years of the hydrobiological studies in Minsk Region. The history of the investigations on regional flora and vegetation is divided into three periods (1780–1929, 1930–1959, 1960–2017). It has been shown that floristiс studies in the region were unevenly carried out: the grеatest number of aquatic plant specimens was collected in Volozhyn, Myadzel districts and in the north of Borysov district within special areas of conservation as well as in the central part of the region (Minsk district and Minsk city). The list of vascular plants of water bodies in Minsk Region, based on the literature data and own plant records, including 206 species, 17 hybrids, which placed in accordance with the system Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, 2016 (APG IV), has been composed. Of these, 148 species constitute aquatic flora of the region and belong to the true-water, amphibian and semi-aquatic plants, whereas 58 species belong to a group of shore plants, entering the water. The scales of L.G. Ramensky and G. Ellenberg were used to decide whether or not some species should be included in the list of flora of water bodies. It was established that syntaxonomy studies on regional aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation by using BraunBlanquet approach had never been conducted (with the exception of the semi-aquatic communities in Minsk city). The studies in turn have concluded that it is necessary to make an increasing inventory of syntaxon richness of aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation in the water bodies of Minsk Region and also to carry out taxonomic, ecological, ecobiomorphological, geographical, sozological analisys of the regional aquatic flora.
65-71 214
The biomass of the fished part of narrow-clawed crayfish Astacus leptodactylus was estimated in the main lakes and reservoirs of the Belarusian part of the Western Bug basin. Populations of narrow-clawed crayfish are found in all lakes, reservoirs, quarries, ponds and large rivers of the Western Bug basin. The density of crayfish individuals was determined from the average movement distance of crayfish (10 meters) and the catch factor of 0,5. The traps that were used during fishing consisted of two baskets and a net between them. The net was fixed vertically along the inlet openings. The traps were set without bait in the morning and taken out the next day before noon. The traps are called «Zhaki» in the Polesie region of the country. The calculated fishing area of one crayfish trap if 20 m2/day. The density of crayfish individuals varied from 0,003 to 0,26 individuals/m2. The crayfish individuals were measured from the tip of the rostrum to the end of the telson and weighed individually with an accuracy of 0.1 grams. In order to determine the mass of an individual from a known length, the corresponding equations were calculated, which were determined separately for males and females. The total biomass of the harvested part of the population was calculated from the average values of density, length of the individuals, and mass to length dependence of the individuals. The total biomass of the fished part of narrow-clawed crayfish population of the main lakes and reservoirs in the Belarusian part of Western Bug basin is estimated at 20 tons. The material was collected on May, 2017.
72-80 275
Common adder (Pelias berus, L. 1758) is one of the most valuable animal of wildlife of Belarus. Snake venom is used in the production of a number of effective medicine applied in the therapy of neuralgia, arthralgia, myalgia, radiculitis, arthritis, myositis and periartritis. Belarus, due to its natural and climatic characteristics (temperate climate, a large area of forested land, high safety of natural landscapes), stands out significant numbers of the species population. According to the results of field investigation, carried out in 2011–2017, the present number of the regional population of common adder in Belarus is 500–550 thousand individuals. The largest territorial population of the adder located in Brest region (60.7 thousand examples), the lowest in Mogilev region (30.2 thousand examples) and Minsk region (30.6 thousand examples). The largest population is concentrated in the Ivatsevichi district, Brest region (30.6 thousand examples). Difference in the number of territorial populations inhabiting the different administrative regions of the country, due to differences in the total area, the area favourable habitats and population density. The density of the belarusian population varies from 0.5 to 150 ind./ha, the average – 15–25 ind./ha. In the population structure medium-sized species with body length 60–75 cm is dominated. The ratio of the immature, males and females is 30 to 33 and 37 %, respectively. Sex balance is off to the side small dominance of females (ratio males:females is 1:1.1). Recommendations on the rational use of biological resources of this valuable species prepared.
81-85 224
Spring complexes are a set of cool different types of sources (limnokren, gelokren or reokren) and associated other types of continental water bodies (mostly streams or small rivers) or part of their waters are United by one feature – the consistently low water temperature. In most spring systems, the water temperature during the year varies between 3–6 °C in winter and 8–10 °C in summer. Aquatic invertebrates of the spring and stream complex “Trofimova krinitsa” were studied. The taxonomy and faunistics information of the received basic information. Hydrochemical indicators of water spring-stream complex “Trofimova krinitsa” well meet the need of drinking water. 26 species of macrozoobenthos and pleystone complexes belonging to 4 phylum of invertebrates were found: Mollusca – 4; Platyhelminthes – 1; Annelida – 2 and Arthropoda – 19 species and forms. The conclusion is drawn that in biotopes spring and stream complex rather rich fauna of water invertebrates similar to those lives in cold springs in other areas of Belarus. The dominant species was the larvae of stoneflies Nemurella pictetii (Klapálek, 1900) – 53,08 % of all identified aquatic invertebrates the spring complex “Trofimova krinitsa”. Among the revealed water invertebrate animals it should be noted the following types – Crenobia alpina (Dana, 1766), Pisidium personatum (Malm, 1855), Candona candida (O.F. Mueller, 1845), Nemurella pictetii (Klapálek, 1900) and Velia caprai (Tamanini, 1947), are representatives of kcrinophylos fauna.
86-91 236
Data on the distribution and abundance of Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930) and Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) populations, and on the epidemiological manifestations of natural foci of tickborne encephalitis Lyme borreliosis in different time periods in Karelia and Belarus are reported. Features of the occurrence of these two tick species and the epidemiological manifestation of natural foci of tickborne infections specific to these different parts of the species’ ranges have been detected. In Karelia, in the northern periphery of Ixodes persulcatus and Ixodes ricinus ranges, there has been a spatial expansion and an increase in the abundance of the epidemiologically more dangerous species – Ixodes persulcatus. In Belarus, Ixodes ricinus remains the most common ixodid species, and its numbers have increased significantly over the past few years. Although the dominant infection vectors in the two areas are different: Ixodes persulcatus in Karelia and Ixodes ricinus in Belarus, the epidemiological manifestation of natural foci is similar, and is expressed in an increase in the incidence rates of both tickborne encephalitis and Lyme borreliosis. At the same time, the main difference between Karelia and Belarus in the epidemiological manifestation of natural foci of tickborne infections is a higher incidence of tickborne encephalitis in Karelia.


92-101 332
The seasonal and daily variations in concentrations of anthropogenic pollutants (carbon oxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, volatile organic compounds – benzene, toluene, xylene) and ozone are analyzed using observations of the Hydrometeorological Center for air quality in the regional centers of Belarus. It is shown that in addition to direct sources of pollution, wind speed and thermal convection significantly influence their concentrations in the air. Both factors lead to a decrease in the concentrations of anthropogenic pollutants in urban air. In particular, these are the factors that account for the daytime decrease in the pollutant concentrations compared to the morning and evening peaks. Since weather conditions significantly affect the level of air pollution, it is difficult to estimate the intensity and amount of anthropogenic emissions from local sources based on the results of monitoring. This requires assessing the “performance” of individual pollution sources or specially developed methods for selecting “representative” monitoring results under “special meteorological conditions”. A typical regularity for all cities is established, according to which the evening increase in pollution concentrations shifts along the time axis in accordance with the duration of the light day: in winter it comes earlier and in the summer later. An additional research is needed to explain this phenomenon. Unlike the anthropogenic pollution, the concentration of surface ozone in the daytime is rising resulted from the increase in the wind speed, leading to an influx of air with higher ozone concentrations from rural areas, and the intensification of thermal convection contributing to an air exchange with higher layers of the troposphere with the increased ozone concentrations. Episodes of ozone generation in the urban air during the conducted research are not revealed. This is probably due to a low amount of anthropogenic pollutants and their composition as well as very high air humidity.
102-114 272
In study the assessment of projected fluctuations of air temperature and precipitation provided. The model simulations executed by the consortium EURO–CORDEX for a grid entering borders of Belarus. The daily data for the period of 1970–2100 have been used. For the study we used the means of air temperature and precipitation with the spatial resolution of 0.44 degrees. For assessment of future changes of air temperature and precipitation 40 combinations of global and regional climatic models are executed. The study period covers 2017–2100, the historical period of 1971–2000. The climatic projections have been used according to scenarios of radiative forcing RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Statistical parameters for ranks of model data on air temperature and precipitation were calculated by annual and seasonal intervals and climatic indexes on their basis on consecutive decades. Calculations of projected meteorological parameters have shown significant changes of air temperature and precipitation over territory of Belarus by the end of the current century. The expected changes are connected with positive tendencies of air temperature and precipitation. Calculated seasonal and annual values of temperature and precipitation vary depending on a combination of global and regional models. The smallest changes have been noted for the scenario RCP2.6, the most significant changes – for the scenario RCP8.5. The greatest changes within each scenario have been received for a cold part of year (winter and spring).


115-126 225
Due to data of geochemical prospecting on a scale of 1:100000 and 1:50000 landscape geochemical features of the territory in the area of location of Belarusian NPP were revealed. An ecological geochemical assessment of the existing condition of recent sediments, including soil cover, for the territory in the area of location of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant on the beginning of construction of the station is given. The assessment of landscapes and ecological geochemical condition of the territory is made for the soil covering based on Zc integrated value. In relation to percentage abundance of soils in Belarus, soil covering of the investigated area is in 1.4–3.9 times more enriched in Pb, Mn, Cu, Cr, on the level of Co, Ni, Zr. Minimum and low contaminationlevel is prevailed within investigated area. It refers to conservation areas of “Narochansky National Park”, reserved areas of “Sorochansky lakes”, “Blue lakes”, “Shvakshty”, and to the catchment basin areas of Viliya River occupied by landscapes within the borders of Ostrovetsky, Oshmyansky and Smorgonsky regions to the forestry at the boarder of Lithuania. The ecological situation of the surveyed territory can be considered favorable. Modern cover deposits of natural landscapes within investigated territory in connection with low technogenic loads at the current time in terms of pollution are almost indistinguishable. Zс value is ranging within 2.7–5.0. Elementary landscapes within investigated area belong to the category of landscapes resistant to chemical pollution, with the exception of sedimentation of areas along the downslope landscape of the fine and middle-hilly moraine upland and the superagual landscape of the hilly-ridge morainic plain, which are medium-stable. The assessment of the current state of modern sediments, including soil cover, will serve as a starting point for subsequent environmental studies of this territory.
127-137 303
The article is devoted to the problems of integration of the national ecological network and the Emerald network in Belarus. These both territorial structures are aimed at the conservation of biological diversity and integration into the Pan’European Ecological Network. Despite common goals, in Belarus they are formed almost independently from each other. The authors present each of these environmental initiatives, paying attention to its specific features in Belarus and existing problems. The national ecological network consists of core areas, corridors and buffer zones. It is formed by Natural Protected Areas (NPAs) and other natural areas of special protection. The Emerald network is established in connection with the requirements and criteria of the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats and consists of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCIs) that contain the majority of Natural Protected Areas in Belarus. Analysis of these both networks shows that the national ecological network and the Emerald network overlap each other to a great extent. Among the problems of developing both ecological networks is the lack of information on distribution of a number of species and habitats, the uncertainty of some natural areas of special protection, and lack of knowledge on the ecological network by the decision makers. Taking into account similar criteria and principles of development, the best solution is seen to include all the objects of the Emerald network (ASCIs) in the national ecological network. It can be implemented through the further development of the national legislation in the field of ecological network by defining all the categories of natural areas of special protection, that by now still remain uncertain.
138-147 273
The article analyzes the role of the geostatistical analysis in the study of soil properties using the example of acidity. The evolution of approaches to the use of geostatistics in geography and soil science is described, the urgency of further using the geostatistical approach to study the heterogeneity of soil properties and for increasing the efficiency of applied soil use is shown. Based on experimentally obtained data on the acidity of soils in the key sites of forest, meadow and arable land studied, the application of the geostatistical approach was consistently described. The expediency of preliminary statistical data processing and analysis of the asymmetry and kurtosis parameters is shown. The necessity of using the variography and the importance of the correct choice of mathematical models, which are used in constructing the charts, are explained. The best methods of interpolation were determined, which were simple and ordinary kriging, with the help of which the cartograms of the distribution of acidity were plotted in the investigated areas. This made it possible to determine the degree of heterogeneity in the distribution of the acidity of soils in different parts of the terrain to study the heterogeneity of soil properties under different types of land, at different hypsometric levels and the presence of spatial patterns. A significant spatial autocorrelation of soil acidity data is noted in the floodplain area, since the ratio of nugget to the threshold is only 4 % and a significant reverse correlation of pH values with absolute terrain heights is established. The pH value is clearly differentiated from the degree of moistening of the soils – it significantly increases from automorphic soils to gley soils, which is due to the nearneutral ground water reaction in the flood plain.
148-155 151
Possibility technological directions of rational use of water resources in industry is use of water circulation systems with repeated use of water. The concentration of salts increases and a precipitate forms when the quantity of natural water used for replenish (recharge) the circulating system decreases. Special reagents are introduced into the system to solve these problems, which inhibit salts crystallization and stabilize the dispersion with precipitate. Methods of an estimation of inhibiting efficiency and sediment stabilizing of reagents are developed and basic metrological characteristics are calculated in work. The methods are based on the determination of the induction period of precipitation characterizing the beginning of crystals formation in solution and the optical density of the dispersion. Comparison of these parameters before and after the introduction of reagents into the system makes it possible to evaluate their effectiveness as inhibitors of precipitation. The inhibitory and stabilizing effect of sodium polyacrylate, polyethylene glycol, sodium tripolyphosphate, trilon B, magnesium lignosulfonate, aminotrimethylenephosphonic acid, phosphono-butane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid, disodium salt of 1-hydroxyethylidenediphosphonic acid was investigated. It was found that when sodium polyacrylate is used, the induction period of precipitation increases almost by 7 times compared to the system without reagents. Polyethylene glycol is the most effective stabilizing action reagent of the reagents studied. The use of reagents in water circulation systems which increase the induction period of precipitation and stabilize the dispersion with the sediment makes it possible to inhibit the crystallization of salts with increasing their concentration and reducing the amount of water added to the system.

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ISSN 1810-9810 (Print)