The study presents an assessment of average and extreme precipitation indicators on the territory of Belarus which are associated with the cyclones in the Atlantic-European sector during the period of 1979–2019. It is shown that 55 % of annual precipitation over the territory of Belarus is caused by the North Atlantic cyclones, 14 % − by southern cyclones, about 1 % − diving ones, the frontal precipitation − 6–13 %, convective (in May-August) − 6–12 % of the annual amount. Precipitation amounts resulting from the passage of North Atlantic cyclones are predominantly decreasing, but an increase is noted with the regeneration of the major cyclones over the continent. Precipitation associated with southern cyclones increased in winter and spring and decreased in summer and autumn. An increase in sums of frontal and convective precipitation in summer was noted at most meteorological stations. The greatest intensity of precipitation on the territory of Belarus was detected for convective processes, but in some cases, powerful southern cyclones provide absolute maximum precipitation, exceeding convective maximums.
The features in the behavior of ground-level ozone on the territory of Belarus in January 2021 and 2022 are analyzed. In 2022, noticeably higher ozone concentrations were recorded at all observation points compared to 2021. It was shown that the discussed differences are not associated with changes in the level of anthropogenic air pollution. They are caused by differences in meteorological conditions during these periods. Determining the reasons for such differences is important for understanding the specifics of the climatology of ground-level ozone in Belarus and developing a reliable forecast of its behavior in the future. Previously, a regression equation was introduced to describe the behavior of ground-level ozone in Belarus, the main purpose of which was to explain the high observed concentrations in the spring-summer period. The coefficients of the equation were also determined taking into account the winter period. However, additional explanatory variables important for this period were not taken into account. The ability of this equation to adequately reproduce the results of observations in the winter period is discussed.
The analysis of methodological approaches was carried out to determine the sections of rivers that are at risk of fish kill phenomena, according to hydromorphological indicators; a preliminary list of sections of rivers in the Neman river basin, which are under the possible risk of fish kill phenomena, has been determined; expeditionary studies of hydromorphological indicators of river sections in the summer-autumn period were carried out with the specification of the list of sections and their characteristic cross-sections; proposals were developed for the location of sites for the installation of automatic hydrochemical stations (AHCS) on rivers in the Neman river basin.
A comparative analysis of changes in the hydrological and hydrodynamic regimes of surface and groundwater in the Pripyat basin in the area of their intensive drainage (Mozyr and Mikashevichi) has been carried out using mathematical statistics. The results of monitoring of surface and underground waters of the National Environmental Monitoring System (NEMS) at observation points located in this part of the Pripyat basin are used for research. The substantiation of the main factors of the formation of the groundwater regime in modern conditions is given on the basis of the results of statistical processing of observational data. The forecast of changes in the modern hydrodynamic regime of groundwater for the studied area is made.
The article presents data on the dynamics of mammal fauna in Belarus over a fixed time period from 1961 to 2022. The results are the first attempt to arrange the list of mammal fauna species of Belarus according to the criterion of time period, presence of reliable finds and free-living populations. This up-to-date list of mammal fauna for Belarus contains a description of the status of each species. Based on our own and literature data, the up-to-date list of mammals of Belarus currently comprises 82 species belonging to seven orders. The reasons for the changes in the number of orders and the number of mammal species in the fauna of Belarus are described. The data on the systematic position of species and their Latin names are updated. The species that are not listed in the fauna of Belarus and the reasons for their exclusion from the list are presented.
The results of the inventory of the current state of peatlands ecosystems in Belarus are presented. An approach to monitoring based on the ecological assessment of vegetation, remote sensing data and geoinformatics is proposed. It has been established that the area of peatlands ecosystems with natural and slightly disturbed vegetation is 430 thousand hectares (39.0 %). The area of peatlands with a high potential for fires under adverse weather and climatic conditions is 221.4 thousand hectares. A forecast of dynamics of the peatlands vegetation cover in Belarus in condition of climate change has been developed. The area of peatlands affected by climate change is 634.3 thousand hectares or 57.5 % of the total area.
The article is a continuation of a series of publications on bryophytes of the Polessky region (Belarus, Ukraine, Russia). In this paper the longitudinal structure of the bryophyte regions of the Polish region is considered; as a result of the analysis 11 types of distribution and 10 intermediate ones, as well as a group of hemicosmopolitans and cosmopolitans are identified. According to the longitudinal reduction in the number of species, wide-range bryophytes (circumpolar, Eurasian-North American, Holarctic) account for 56.6 %. Features of the geographical location of Polisie are emphasized by oceanic (7.8 %) and European bryophytes (4.6 %), enriching the diversity of the region’s bryoflora. An assumption was made about the main migration routes of the nemoral bryoflora, which have three main directions (southern, south- and north-western).
In Narаchansky national park 22 species of bumblebees (Bombus Latr. s.l.), including 17 species of Bombus Latr. s.str. and 5 species of Psithyrus Lep, have been recorded as visitors to flowers and inflorescences of entomophilous plants. Bombus pomorum (Panzer, 1805), Bombus ruderatus (Fabricius, 1775), and Bombus semenoviellus (Skorikov, 1910) were recorded in the national park for the first time. Bumblebee species richness is highest in mixed grass meadows (20 species), lower in upland meadows and forest edges (16 species each) and lowest (14 species) on roadsides. The complexes of bumblebees of mixed grass and upland meadows are characterized by the highest level of similarity of the species composition (Jaccard coefficient (KJ) is 0.8). Eurytopic species predominate in the bumblebee complexes of mixed grass and upland meadows, forest edges and roadsides; their relative species richness is maximum in the complexes of bumblebees on roadsides. Bombus lucorum (Linnaeus, 1761) had the highest level of relative abundance in all the open area biotopes in the national park.
The studies carried out made it possible to identify in the rivers of the republican landscape reserve “Middle Pripyat” 121 LDTs (lowest taxon determined) belonging to 3 types of invertebrates: Mollusca – 21; Annelida – 8 and Arthropoda – 92 species and forms. Ninety-three taxonomic elements have been identified prior to species. 8 alien species were identified: Lithoglyphus naticoides (C. Pfeiffer, 1828), Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771); Chelicorophium curvispinum Sars, 1895; Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894); Echinogammarus ischnus (Stebbing, 1898); Obesogammarus crassus (Sars 1894); Obesogammarus crassus (G.O. Sars, 1894) and Limnomysis benedeni Czerniavsky, 1882. The fauna of the studied aquatic invertebrates in the watercourses of the republican landscape reserve “Middle Pripyat” is relatively rich and is represented by rare and protected species of animals not only in Belarus, but also in Europe. Among the identified animals, species protected in Belarus were also found: Graphoderes bilineatus (De Geer, 1774) and Gomphus flavipes Charpentier, 1825. Thus, the studied rivers have a high biodiversity of native aquatic invertebrates and are also a region-recipient of alien species.
The Republic of Belarus is one of the parties to Annex I to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and fulfills its obligations to prevent climate change and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by taking measures to reduce GHG emissions and conducting annual inventories of emissions and removals GHG at the national level. National policies on GHG emissions reduction are a series of republican and sectoral measures aimed at the sustainable development of individual industries and the country’s economy as a whole. However, GHG emission reduction indicators do not relate to indicators of implementation of these national and sectoral measures, which is due to lack of reporting on direct and indirect GHG emissions by individual economic entities. Thus, the reporting on the quantitative assessment of direct and indirect GHG emissions directly by economic entities will serve as an indicator of sustainable development and ecological balance, which is used in world practice, this is evidenced by the fact that Belarusian manufacturers are increasingly faced with the need to conduct such assessments of emissions from production activities, which is caused by the requirements for exporting products.