In this work such indicators as spatial and temporal changes in heat supply (monthly air temperature, sums of air temperatures, dates of air temperature transition through +5 °С in autumn), moisture conditions (monthly precipitation sums, Selyaninov’s hydrothermal coefficient (HTC), productive moisture reserves in the topsoil 0–20 cm, drought frequency) during the autumn sowing of winter grain crops under the conditions of climate change on the territory of Belarus for 1989–2020 were evaluated for the first time.
The article presents statistical calculations of equivalent-effective temperature, weather severity index for 49 weather stations in Belarus for the period of instrumental observations 1966–2019. The weather severity index allowed us to characterize the degree of influence of variable weather conditions on the functional state of the body. Comfortable weather conditions are noted only in summer, in winter their nature is exasperating or acute. Changes in bioclimatic indicators of the territory of the re- public in connection with changes in the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation were revealed .
The research has been carried out to identify the interaction between surface water and groundwater in a changing climate for the territories with the most disturbed hydrological regime of surface water and hydrodynamic regime of groundwater in the Pripyat river basin. On the basis of experimental studies, hydrological, hydrogeological and statistical calculations the regularities of the interaction between surface water and groundwater in the places of intensive water withdrawal for the key objects of research have been established. Forecast maps of river flow and hydrodynamic regime of groundwater have been developed for the territories with the most disturbed hydrological and hydrodynamic regime in the Pripyat river basin.
The article assesses the possibility of using sewage sludge from the sludge chamber of the Minsk wastewater treatment plant as an unconventional organomineral fertilizer. It is necessary to take into account the degree of contamination of sewage sludge for their further effective use. To assess the level of contamination of silt sediments, we used biological rapid diagnostics-phytotesting. The monocotyledonous plant Hordeum vulgare and the dicotyledonous plant Lepidium sativum were selected as test objects. The main indicators of plant growth and development were determined: germinating capacity, the length of the ground part of the plant and its biomass, the length and development of the root system . Germinating capacity in the experimental samples decreased by an average of 20 % compared to the control sample. Indicators such as the length and development of the plant’s root system and its biomass are suppressed when using sewage sludge as fertilizer. The results obtained may be related to exposure to toxic substances contained in sewage sludge. Sewage sludge contains heavy metals such as Mn (0,58 %), Fe (13,74 %), Cu (1,27 %), Zn (3,22 %), As (0,08 %). However, the results of the elemental analysis of the ash of sewage sludge and the ground part of the test objects grown on the soil with precipitation doses of 4 and 8 t / ha showed that the accumulation of heavy metals in the biomass of the test objects does not occur. At doses of 4 and 8 t/ha of sewage sludge, there is a slight accumulation of zinc and copper in the ground part of the watercress; the accumulation of heavy metals in the biomass of barley is not observed .
The paper presents the results of a palaeoichthyological study of the Lochkovian age rocks exposed in the Rataichitsy 12 k borehole within the territory of the Podlasie-Brest Depression in Belarus. To complete the information presented in the papers the author gives besides his personal data the summarized evidences of all the reliable findings of the Lochkovian fish fauna in the territory of the above-named tectonic structure known from the literature. A brief taphonomic description of the Early Devonian ichthyofauna remains is presented. A vertebrate assemblage established in this borehole is compared with the coeval ichthyological assemblages known in the territory of Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States and Spitsbergen. The data of the Lochkovian ichthyofauna obtained supplement the information on its geographical distribution and systematic composition within the Republic of Belarus .
As part of the update of the management plan of the “Sporovsky” Nature Reserve, field studies were conducted aimed at studying the state of key animal and plant species of the protected area . Rare and typical biotopes to be protected in the Republic of Belarus were identified, the current state of ecological systems and successional processes occurring in them were evaluated. It was found that following the termination of the traditional use of the Yaselda river floodplain (cessation of haymaking and grazing), lowering of the groundwater level, as well as climatic changes, there is a rapid degradation of open lowland marshes, a decrease in the number and spread of animal and plant species associated with them. In order to minimize these negative processes, measures aimed at the restoration, preservation and sustainable use of biological diversity of meadow and marsh ecosystems have been elaborated as part of the development of a management plan for the reserve.
Crayfish fishing in Belarus is actively developing and is based on narrow-clawed crayfish. The fishery only implements 30–50 % of the catch limits in the fishing reservoirs. One way to further increase the catch is to allow crayfish fishing in spring, which is currently forbidden by the rules because of the fish spawning period. The conducted studies have revealed that the cases of fish getting into the trap in the spring period depends on the size, shape and mesh spacing of the traps. Fish was registered in almost all types of traps, however, the entanglement of fish was observed only in traps with a mesh pitch of more than 12 mm. The majority of caught fish were demersal fish species like the Eurasian ruffe, spined loach and gudgeon. In order to achieve a minimal negative impact on spawning fish, the crayfish traps should be located away from the spawning locations of fish and the mesh size of traps should be of 12 mm or less. Compliance with these conditions may become the basis for making changes and additions to the rules for crayfish fishing during the spring months.
Presently the Emerald Network of Belarus consists of 155 sites approved by the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention with the official status of Areas of Special Conservation Interest, 7 Candidate sites and 15 Proposed sites – new areas for nomination. The actual sites of the Emerald Network on the territory of the Republic of Belarus were analyzed for the presence of national and international nature protection status. The current level of protection of the Emerald Network objects was assessed, territories with an insufficient level of protection were identified and the main ways for their preservation were proposed. A strategy and action plan for integrating the principles of the Emerald Network into the system of Territorial Nature Protection of the Republic of Belarus has been developed. The findings were drawn up in the form of an Analytical note and Proposals and submitted to the relevant environmental authorities.
The article presents the results of the study on population and biological parameters (linear dimensions, weight, sex and age composition) of the brown bullhead in the water bodies of the southwestern Belarus. The conducted studies showed that the limit values of meristic characters of the brown bullhead from the water bodies of the native range of Belarus differed from those of individuals from the non-native range (water bodies of the southwest) . A comparison of morphometric characteristics showed that males have lower values for one parameter (ventral fin length) and higher values for two parameters (antedorsal distance and dorsal fin length) than females.of the native range of Belarus differed from those of individuals from the non-native range (water bodies of the southwest). Comparison of plastic characteristics showed that males have lower values f or 1 parameter (ventral fin length) and higher values for 2 parameters (predorsal distance and dorsal fin length) than females.
The Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) is a rare protected species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus . It’s number is about 950–1300 pairs. In 2012–2017, we collected unfertilized eggs from the nests of the black stork during the ringing of chicks in the summer. The research was conducted on the territory of the “Middle Pripyat” nature reserve (Brest region), in the Osipovichi district (Mogilev region) and Volozhin district (Minsk region). The density of the black stork in the “Middle Pripyat” reserve is one of the highest in Europe – about 30 pairs per 100 square kilometers of forest. Significant concentration of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and Hexachlorocyclohexane were found in black stork eggs. Potential ways of contamination and the timing of accumulation of pesticides are described .
The Lamiaceae family includes a wide range of plants with biological and pharmaceutical potential . Many representatives of this family are medicinal, spice, aromatic and ornamental plants and are of great economic importance . Each of the medicinal plants contains at least one substance with pharmacological activity. To assess the pharmaceutical potential of plants, it is necessary to identify biologically active compounds and systematize them in accordance with the International Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification. The ATC classification is an international system for classifying the active ingredients of drugs according to the organ or system on which they act and their chemical and pharmacological properties. This paper presents the results of a study of the fatty acid composition of lipids of seeds of some representatives of the Lamiaceae family, introduced by the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. A high content of α-linolenic acid was noted in the lipids of the seeds of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) 48.2 %, true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) 58.4 %, hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) 54.5 %, bee balm (Monarda fistulosa L.) 63.2 % and wrinkled giant hyssop (Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & CAMey.)) 53.2 %, and linoleic acid – in the lipids of the seeds of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) 32.5 %, motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca L.) 47.4 %, black horehound (Ballota nigra L.) 53.4 % and common betony (Betonica officinalis L.) 56.9 %.
This paper discusses the first finding of the Caucasian invasive land snail Oxychilus translucidus (Mortillet, 1854) in Belarus. The material was collected in July 2019 on the territory of the private sector of Minsk. The discovery is clearly synan- thropic.
The results of the analysis of a long-term series of remote sensing data (monthly product MCD64A1) are presen- ted to estimate the areas affected by wildfires both for the territory of Belarus as a whole and for its regions. It has been established that in the period from 2001 to 2020, from 17 .1 to 184 .46 thousand hectares burned out across the country per year . Seasonal peaks of fire activity, patterns of spatial distribution of fire spots within Belarus and the main types of burnt vegetation for some areas have been identified. The accuracy of determining burnt areas using low (500 m) and medium (30 m) spatial resolution data was estimated at an average of 81.7%. However, at the same time, it has been shown that burnt areas of less than 250 hectares are recorded with a significant error (an average accuracy of 19.6 %). This is a limitation of the ability to use the MCD64A1 for local and regional monitoring with small areas of fire damage.
The seasonal dynamics in the species composition and abundance of phytoplankton in the heated and unheated, as well as littoral and pelagic zones of Lake Lukomskoe were studied. The community structure and the level of phytoplankton development in zones with different temperature regimes naturally vary, and each of the seasons has its own patterns. The level of quantitative development of phytoplankton is higher in heated zones only in November. In April, the abundance of phytoplankton in both zones is practically the same. In these months, the heated zone is characterized by a more intensive development of Cyanophyta and less intensive of diatoms. In summer, the total abundance of phytoplankton is higher in the zone with a natural temperature regime, where the Cyanophyta division predominates.