Due to implementation of new climatic norms calculated for the last 30-year period, that most fully reflect the present-day climate warming, an assessment of atmospheric humidification in the territory of Belarus in the summer months for 1991– 2020 has been carried out using the Selyaninov hydrothermal coefficient (HTC), the Ped’ aridity index (S) and the standardized precipitation index (SPI). According to the results of the study, in the summer period 1991–2020 most of the territory of Belarus was characterized by sufficient humidity levels according to HTC, slightly dry conditions according to SPI, and in half of the territory there was a slight drought according to S. All considered indices of atmospheric humidity indicate the formation of slightly arid conditions formed in August in the southern and central latitudinal zones of Belarus. The recurrence of dry and excessively humid conditions by the hydrothermal coefficient during summer months in the period of climate warming was determined. August is characterised by the most significant aridity: in half of the country’s territory the recurrence of atmospheric drought is 30–50 %. Excessive humidity is most often observed in July, when in most parts of the territory the recurrence of excessive humidity is 40–70 %. Compared to the period 1961–1990, the recurrence of atmospheric droughts is maximally increases in August in Brest and Grodno regions (by 16–17 %). The recurrence of excessive atmospheric moisture significantly decreases in June in Grodno, Minsk and Mogilev regions (by 14–19 %), in August – in all regions but Vitebsk (by 12–17 %). Forecast estimations of changes in the hydrothermal coefficient in the regions of Belarus in the subsequent 30-year period under different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions have been carried out. Humidification will decrease from optimal to slightly dry conditions in July, slightly dry conditions will persist in August or dry conditions will form in southern regions, in June humidification conditions will not change and will be optimal.
The article presents actual assessments of current and projected climate changes in Homiel region of Belarus. Trends of changes in bioclimatic parameters of different land cover types (vegetation and water indices, daily temperature amplitudes, total evaporation and its components) within Homiel region have been analysed on the basis of remote sensing data for the period from 2000 to 2023. It was shown that statistically significant (p < 0.05) negative trend of spectral water index, characterising water content in soil and plant tissues, is observed on more than 40 % of arable land in Homiel region. About 20 % of arable lands of the region have statistically reliable tendencies of decrease in transpiration of plants and increase in evaporation from the soil. One third of arable land in the region is subjected to increased daily temperature fluctuations (trend coefficient up to 0.3 °C/year). In contrast, on the lands of the region with statistically significant growth of vegetation index there are decrease in evaporation from the soil surface and increase in transpiration of vegetation and reduction in daily temperature amplitudes, which indicates the prospect of introducing agroforestry methods to improve the bioclimatic indicators of arable land in the southern regions of Belarus.
The study of trophic status and its relationship with the main hydroecological characteristics of water bodies was conducted in the 11 lakes of the Narochansky region from 2013 to 2023. The studied lakes of the Narochansky region span a considerable range of trophic status, from oligo-mesotrophic to highly eutrophic. The trophic status of the water bodies was evaluated using the Carlson’s Trophic State Index (TSI). The results of our research demonstrate that TSI is an adequate indicator of trophic status. The weighted average gross primary production and plankton decomposition for the entire water column demonstrate a strong and statistically significant relationship with the trophic level of the water bodies assessed by TSI. A strong correlation was observed between chlorophyll content and total phosphorus concentration. The correlation between chlorophyll and total nitrogen concentration is significantly weaker, indicating that phosphorus is the primary limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth in the studied lakes. No correlation was found between chlorophyll content and TSI with average temperature, as well as dissolved oxygen concentration in the hypolimnion. The assessment of trophic status should be considered an obligatory component of any limnological research endeavor, aimed at establishing an objective understanding of the condition of a water body.
An ecological and climatic mechanism for reducing the resistance of coniferous species has been identified. This consists of reducing the water supply of coniferous plantations due to changes in temperature and hydrological regimes during the cold season. A high significant negative correlation was observed between spring runoff and the average temperature of the non-growing season. An increase in the average temperature of the cold period of the year causes increase in runoff during the non-growing season, which in turn causes a decline in groundwater levels and a reduction in moisture availability for woody plants during the growing season. A reduction in moisture availability causes a decrease in the stability of coniferous plantations, which subsequently experience extensive drying and the subsequent replacement by deciduous species.
This study presents the results of morphometric, quantitative, and weight parameters changes of Phragmites аustralis during two vegetation seasons in two different lakes are presented. The two lakes exhibited nearly identical dynamics in the changes of the analyzed parameters of Phragmites аustralis during the growing season over the two-year period. In both 2020 and 2021, the presence of two peaks in the values of phytomass, mass and length of shoots were identified in each reservoir, occurring in the 1–3 decade of July and the end of August–beginning of September. A notable discrepancy and elevated values for the phytomass, the mass and number of shoots of Phragmites аustralis growing at a depth of 0.5 m were observed in comparison to the values recorded at a depth of 0.1 m. Upon examining the interrelationships between the indicators of the object of study, reliable high correlation indicators were obtained for the phytomass with the mass and number of shoots. Additionally, for the gain of phytomass, a high correlation was evident with the indicators of weight gain and gain of shoot length. Furthermore, a reliable high correlation was established between phytomass gain and average monthly temperatures.
This article is a continuation of the series of publications on bryophytes of the Polesie region (Belarus, Ukraine, Russia). The purpose of this study is to identify the taxonomic features of the bryoflora of Polesie and its place among other bryofloras. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the taxonomic composition of Polesie with other regions of Belarus, select areas of the southwest of European Russia (Moscow, Kaluga, Tula regions), and several European countries (Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine (Eastern Carpathians), Slovakia). It was determined that the bryoflora of Polesie exhibits the greatest similarity with neighboring regions, specifically with the bryofloras of Latvia, Lithuania and the southwest of European Russia, while maintaining connections with the floras of Central Europe. The different contributions of each taxon to the studied area were identified. It is demonstrated that the distinctive characteristics of the territories are determined by representatives of the families Dicranaceae, Brachytheciaceae, Orthotrichaceae, and Grimmiaceae. Conversely, similar taxonomic categories that are widespread do not determine the differentiation of the taxonomic structure.
As a result of the studies carried out in blueberry pine forests on mineral and peat soils in the Belarusian Lake District, differences in species diversity were revealed in the assemblgees of ground beetles in these two habitats. Analysis of α-diversity measures of ground beetles demonstrated that species richness and the number of individuals in samples were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in biotopes with mineral soils. A similar trend was shown by the values of Hill numbers (q 1 and q 2). The study β-diversity also showed high significant differences (ANOSIM; R = 0.728, p = 0.007) in the species composition of ground beetles in the two habitat types. The higher diversity of carabids in pine forests on mineral soils is due to a wider group of species with high relative abundance, including Pterostichus niger, Carabus hortensis, Calathus micropterus, Carabus arvensis, Pterostichus oblongopunctatus. Whereas in swampy pine forests, the main share of relative abundance is accounted for by two species Pterostichus niger (47.25 %) and Carabus hortensis (29.45 %), and most other species are rare. The species diversity of ground beetles according to the Shannon index has a direct significant relationship (p < 0.05) with the height of shrubs and pH, as well as an inverse relationship with the cover of shrubs.
This study examines the plant communities found along the road right of way in Minsk and the Minsk region, as well as the conditions for their growth. In particular, it takes into account the chemical contamination of the soil with heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn). The roadside phytocenoses are mainly classified as belonging to the classes Polygono-Poetea annuae, Artemisietea vulgaris and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. The distribution of communities in the right-of-way of the “Notch,” “Embankment,” and “Zero position” exposure exhibited a mosaic character due to the varying preservation of the soil cover, the degree of its erosion and pollution, and the general anthropogenic impact. The anthropogenic nature of right-of-way pollution (motor transport, road surface) is corroborated by the predominant accumulation of heavy metals in the upper horizon (0–10 cm) in contrast to the lower horizon (10–20 cm) and a decrease in concentration with distance from the road surface. Based on the noted phytocenoses, a list of suitable plants for use in roadside grass mixtures that are resistant to a complex of anthropogenic factors is proposed (erosion, mowing, pollution with heavy metals, etc.).
On the basis of the developed scientific substantiation of the ecological rehabilitation of disturbed peatlands in the “Pogonyanskoye-2” project area located in the Khoyniki and Bragin districts of the Gomel region, according to the construction project, a cascade of 20 blind earthen cofferdams and 2 overflow rock-fill cofferdams was constructed on the drainage network channels on the Nesvich River with the water level difference between them of about 0.3 m. In order to prevent radionuclides from leaving the contaminated area, and their accumulation and retention in the bottom sediments in the section of the river bed, a sludge pond with the length of about 700 m was constructed in Nesvich. The completed measures for the environmental rehabilitation of disturbed peatlands in the “Pogonyanskoye-2” project area not only create conditions for restoring the biosphere functions of the peatlands, but also reduce the likelihood of peat and forest fires, the death of forest and peatland vegetation, prevent the salvo emission of carbon dioxide, and minimize the transfer of radionuclides to adjacent territories. The work was carried out as part of the implementation of the R&D project “Rewetting of drained and withdrawn from use peatlands contaminated with radionuclides for prevention of peat fires and preservation of biodiversity” of the State Program for Overcoming the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster for 2021–2025.
The article presents the procedure for conducting a state examination of research work applying for state funding, using the example of the analysis and performance of the State Expert Council No. 10 “Nature Management and Ecology” for the period 2019–2023 as a case study. It outlines the process from the moment the object of examination was received by the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus until the issuance of a conclusion by the State Expert Council.
Some proposals are put forth for the improvement of the procedure for conducting state examinations.