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Hydropower potential of medium and small rivers in the basins of the Western Dvina, Dnieper, Pripyat of Belarus


In recent years the role of hydropower has been growing along with other renewable energy sources. It is based on the use of environmentally friendly energy of water flows and helps to solve comprehensively such problems, as water supply, irrigation, flood protection, while significantly reducing environmental emissions. The publication presents the results of studies on assessment the hydropower potential of medium and small rivers in the Western Dvina, Dnieper and Pripyat river basins.

About the Authors

V. N. Korneev
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk

L. N. Hertman
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk

I. A. Bulak
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk


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2. ТКП 45-3.04-299-2014 (02250). Малые ГЭС. Правила проектирования / Министерство архитектуры и строительства Республики Беларусь. – Минск, 2014. – С. 6–9.

3. Постановление Министерства природных ресурсов и охраны окружающей среды Республики Беларусь от 29.08.2011 № 29. Инструкция о некоторых вопросах ведения государственного кадастра возобновляемых источников энергии.

4. Лопух, П. С. Закономерности развития природы водоемов замедленного водообмена, их использование и охрана / П. С. Лопух. – Минск, 2000.

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For citations:

Korneev V.N., Hertman L.N., Bulak I.A. Hydropower potential of medium and small rivers in the basins of the Western Dvina, Dnieper, Pripyat of Belarus. Natural resources. 2020;(2):63-69. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1810-9810 (Print)