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Formation conditions of the ultrabasicbasic rocks from the argelovschinsky complex of the crystalline basement of Belarus


The article provides a brief geochemical characteristic of the ultrabasic-basic rocks of the argelovschinsky complex  of the crystalline basement of the central part of Belarus, the conditions of their formation are determined. Rocks of the complex are characterized by normal alkalinity, high magnesium content, low alumina content and total iron content. The microelement composition of the rocks is characterized by enrichment in Cr, Ni and Co. Their characteristic feature is negative Zr-Hf  and Ta-Nb anomalies, which suggests crustal contamination. The formation conditions of the rocks are similar to the geodynamic  settings of the formation of tholeiitic basalts of island arcs.

About the Author

M. Р. Hurynovich
Branch “Institute for Geology” of the State Enterprise «Research and Production Center for Geology», Minsk


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For citations:

Hurynovich M.Р. Formation conditions of the ultrabasicbasic rocks from the argelovschinsky complex of the crystalline basement of Belarus. Natural resources. 2021;(1):34-39. (In Russ.)

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