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Current changes of precipitation in warm season and streamflow formation during low-flow period over territory of Belarus


The study presents an assessment of the moistening regime over territory of Belarus in warm season and as resulting parameter – surface streamflow during low-flow season. The tendencies of monthly precipitation, maximal daily totals and duration of rainfall were detected; streamflow characteristics, such as the lowest discharges for the low-flow season and highest discharges of rain floods were estimated. The Standard Precipitation Index and Standard Streamflow Index were calculated  to estimate the drying conditions over territory of Belarus. Despite the insignificant change of the annual precipitation during the  period of 1989–2018, the intensification of rain falling has increased over territory of Belarus but at the same time the number  of meteorological droughts growth in May-September. The streamflow rate didn’t change significant but the highest rain floods  discharges and/or the lowest discharges during low-flow season has growth (except the Neman River basin) while hydrological  droughts repeatability also has increased in all river basins of the study region.

About the Authors

І. S. Danilovich
Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

E. G. Kvach
Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Radioactive Contamination Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belhydromet), Minsk

L. N. Zhuravovich
Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Radioactive Contamination Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belhydromet), Minsk

N. G. Piskunovich
Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk


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For citations:

Danilovich І.S., Kvach E.G., Zhuravovich L.N., Piskunovich N.G. Current changes of precipitation in warm season and streamflow formation during low-flow period over territory of Belarus. Natural resources. 2021;(1):22-33. (In Russ.)

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