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Application of inhibitors of sedimentation in water-turning systems for the rational use of water resources


Possibility technological directions of rational use of water resources in industry is use of water circulation systems with repeated use of water. The concentration of salts increases and a precipitate forms when the quantity of natural water used for replenish (recharge) the circulating system decreases. Special reagents are introduced into the system to solve these problems, which inhibit salts crystallization and stabilize the dispersion with precipitate. Methods of an estimation of inhibiting efficiency and sediment stabilizing of reagents are developed and basic metrological characteristics are calculated in work. The methods are based on the determination of the induction period of precipitation characterizing the beginning of crystals formation in solution and the optical density of the dispersion. Comparison of these parameters before and after the introduction of reagents into the system makes it possible to evaluate their effectiveness as inhibitors of precipitation. The inhibitory and stabilizing effect of sodium polyacrylate, polyethylene glycol, sodium tripolyphosphate, trilon B, magnesium lignosulfonate, aminotrimethylenephosphonic acid, phosphono-butane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid, disodium salt of 1-hydroxyethylidenediphosphonic acid was investigated. It was found that when sodium polyacrylate is used, the induction period of precipitation increases almost by 7 times compared to the system without reagents. Polyethylene glycol is the most effective stabilizing action reagent of the reagents studied. The use of reagents in water circulation systems which increase the induction period of precipitation and stabilize the dispersion with the sediment makes it possible to inhibit the crystallization of salts with increasing their concentration and reducing the amount of water added to the system.

About the Authors

E. V. Vorobiova
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

I. V. Shestak
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

A. D. Vorobiov
Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk

Y. V. Matruntcik
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk


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For citations:

Vorobiova E.V., Shestak I.V., Vorobiov A.D., Matruntcik Y.V. Application of inhibitors of sedimentation in water-turning systems for the rational use of water resources. Natural resources. 2018;(1):148-155. (In Russ.)

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