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Anthropogenic air pollution and surface ozone in cities of Belarus


The seasonal and daily variations in concentrations of anthropogenic pollutants (carbon oxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, volatile organic compounds – benzene, toluene, xylene) and ozone are analyzed using observations of the Hydrometeorological Center for air quality in the regional centers of Belarus. It is shown that in addition to direct sources of pollution, wind speed and thermal convection significantly influence their concentrations in the air. Both factors lead to a decrease in the concentrations of anthropogenic pollutants in urban air. In particular, these are the factors that account for the daytime decrease in the pollutant concentrations compared to the morning and evening peaks. Since weather conditions significantly affect the level of air pollution, it is difficult to estimate the intensity and amount of anthropogenic emissions from local sources based on the results of monitoring. This requires assessing the “performance” of individual pollution sources or specially developed methods for selecting “representative” monitoring results under “special meteorological conditions”. A typical regularity for all cities is established, according to which the evening increase in pollution concentrations shifts along the time axis in accordance with the duration of the light day: in winter it comes earlier and in the summer later. An additional research is needed to explain this phenomenon. Unlike the anthropogenic pollution, the concentration of surface ozone in the daytime is rising resulted from the increase in the wind speed, leading to an influx of air with higher ozone concentrations from rural areas, and the intensification of thermal convection contributing to an air exchange with higher layers of the troposphere with the increased ozone concentrations. Episodes of ozone generation in the urban air during the conducted research are not revealed. This is probably due to a low amount of anthropogenic pollutants and their composition as well as very high air humidity.

About the Authors

V. V. Bozhkova
National Ozone Monitoring Research and Education Center of the Belarusian State University, Minsk

R. N. Burak
Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring, Minsk

B. B. Kozeruk
Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring, Minsk

A. M. Liudchik
National Ozone Monitoring Research and Education Center of the Belarusian State University, Minsk

H. A. Melnik
Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring, Minsk


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For citations:

Bozhkova V.V., Burak R.N., Kozeruk B.B., Liudchik A.M., Melnik H.A. Anthropogenic air pollution and surface ozone in cities of Belarus. Natural resources. 2018;(1):92-101. (In Russ.)

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