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Species composition of aquatic invertebrates of the spring and stream Complex «Trofimova Krinitsa»


Spring complexes are a set of cool different types of sources (limnokren, gelokren or reokren) and associated other types of continental water bodies (mostly streams or small rivers) or part of their waters are United by one feature – the consistently low water temperature. In most spring systems, the water temperature during the year varies between 3–6 °C in winter and 8–10 °C in summer. Aquatic invertebrates of the spring and stream complex “Trofimova krinitsa” were studied. The taxonomy and faunistics information of the received basic information. Hydrochemical indicators of water spring-stream complex “Trofimova krinitsa” well meet the need of drinking water. 26 species of macrozoobenthos and pleystone complexes belonging to 4 phylum of invertebrates were found: Mollusca – 4; Platyhelminthes – 1; Annelida – 2 and Arthropoda – 19 species and forms. The conclusion is drawn that in biotopes spring and stream complex rather rich fauna of water invertebrates similar to those lives in cold springs in other areas of Belarus. The dominant species was the larvae of stoneflies Nemurella pictetii (Klapálek, 1900) – 53,08 % of all identified aquatic invertebrates the spring complex “Trofimova krinitsa”. Among the revealed water invertebrate animals it should be noted the following types – Crenobia alpina (Dana, 1766), Pisidium personatum (Malm, 1855), Candona candida (O.F. Mueller, 1845), Nemurella pictetii (Klapálek, 1900) and Velia caprai (Tamanini, 1947), are representatives of kcrinophylos fauna.

About the Authors

M. D. Moroz
Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources, Minsk

J. G. Giginyak
Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources, Minsk

I. J. Giginyak
Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources, Minsk

V. M. Baitchorov
Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources, Minsk


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For citations:

Moroz M.D., Giginyak J.G., Giginyak I.J., Baitchorov V.M. Species composition of aquatic invertebrates of the spring and stream Complex «Trofimova Krinitsa». Natural resources. 2018;(1):81-85. (In Russ.)

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