Assessment of the impact of water use on surface water objects of Belarus
Given the dynamics of water use in river basins of Belarus for the period 2006–2015. To date, extraction (withdrawal) of water decreased in the whole country by 15 %, and the extraction of groundwater was reduced by 20 % and withdrawal of surface waters has decreased by 7 %. The volumes of wastewater discharges into surface water bodies decreased by 7 %. The analysis of the causes of changes in main indices of water use. Identified water users that have the greatest impact on the ecological status of surface water bodies. On the basis of accepted criteria, assess the degree of negative influence of the major water users on the water quality of surface water hydrochemical indicators. It is established that the greatest difference between actual and allowable values of production (withdrawal) of water is characterized by the basin of the Pripyat river, the lowest – the basins of rivers Neman and Western Dvina, between the actual and permissible values of wastewater discharges – the river basins of the Pripyat and the Dnieper, the smallest is also the basins of rivers Neman and Western Dvina. It justifies the distinction between factual and normative volumes of water consumption and water disposal in the context of water users and river basins. To control and clarify permissible amounts of water proposed to give permits for special water use data on the sources of information used in the calculations. When setting permissible discharge it is recommended to use the basic principle that will help to reasonably allocate the assimilative capacity of the river basin among water users with its limitations.
About the Authors
А. М. Penkovskaya
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk
K. N. Popova
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk
A. B. Petrenko
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk
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For citations:
Penkovskaya А.М.,
Popova K.N.,
Petrenko A.B.
Assessment of the impact of water use on surface water objects of Belarus. Natural resources. 2018;(1):5-22.
(In Russ.)
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