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Identification of the geography of factors restricting the tourism-recreational use of rivers of Belarus


In the article are presented the results of identification of the geography of location limiting factors for contact, contactless and commercial types of tourism­recreational uses for 303 parts of 125 rivers of Belarus with application GIS­technologies. As a result, contact types of tourist and recreational use in the composition of water skiing (up to 6 factors), bathing and diving (up to 5 factors) are leading in the limits of the investigated rivers in terms of the number of limiting factors. On the second place in the number of limiting factors are contactless types of tourism, in the structure of which the maximum is revealed for yachting – up to 5 factors, and the minimum – for rowing on boats – to 3.Minimal values of limiting factors were revealed for commercial types of recreation as part of amateur hunting (up to three factors) and for amateur fishing (up to two factors).

About the Authors

N. S. Shevtsova
Belarusian State University, Minsk

A. V. Pakhomov
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk


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For citations:

Shevtsova N.S., Pakhomov A.V. Identification of the geography of factors restricting the tourism-recreational use of rivers of Belarus. Natural resources. 2018;(2):112-127. (In Russ.)

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