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Assessment of the agroclimatic resources of the territory of Belarus for the period 1989–2015


The consequences of climate change (warm winters, the early onset of spring processes, the increase in the duration and heat availability of a vegetation period, the increase in the frequency of droughts, heat waves, high air temperatures, etc.) form the new climatic conditions of the territories and have a significant impact on the weather-dependent sectors of the economy. The main results of the research work “Assessment of agroclimatic resources and the new agricultural and climatic zoning of the territory of Belarus taking into account climate change” were performed in 2016–2017 in the framework of 1.06 task 1.06 “Assessment of the influence of urbanization and land improvement on the climatic, water, land and forest resources of Belarus” activities of “Natural resources and environmental safety” 1 subprogram of the State program of scientific research for 2016–2020 “Environmental management and ecology”. The boundaries of agroclimatic regions on the territory of Belarus for the longest warming period (1989–2015) have been specified, and the new updated map of the boundaries of agroclimatic regions has been constructed. The values of the most significant climatic parameters of agroclimatic regions (for heat supply and moisture supply, the conditions of wintering), calculated for the period of 1989-2015 according to the data of the State Hydrometeorological Observations Network are presented. Based on the calculated climatic parameters, the description of agroclimatic regions and conditions of the growth of agricultural crops in the territory of the Republic of Belarus has been made. The obtained results show a significant change in climatic conditions and the need to introduce of changes into the crop cultivation technologies, as well as the need for a new agroclimatic zoning of the territory of Belarus in the conditions of modern climate change. The obtained research results can be used in weather-dependent sectors of the economy, first of all by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus when planning and making management decisions, taking into account changes in climatic and agroclimatic resources, as well as in the highest educational institutions of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus in the preparation of programs, training manuals, information materials related to climate assessment and agroclimatic resources in the modern conditions.

About the Authors

V. I. Melnik
Institute of Nature Management of the National Aсademy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

I. S. Danilovich
Institute of Nature Management of the National Aсademy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

I. Y. Kuliashova
Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Radiаtion Control and Envizonmental Monitoring, Minsk

A. V. Kоmarouskaya
Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Radiаtion Control and Envizonmental Monitoring, Minsk

N. V. Melchakova
Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Radiаtion Control and Envizonmental Monitoring, Minsk


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For citations:

Melnik V.I., Danilovich I.S., Kuliashova I.Y., Kоmarouskaya A.V., Melchakova N.V. Assessment of the agroclimatic resources of the territory of Belarus for the period 1989–2015. Natural resources. 2018;(2):88-101. (In Russ.)

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