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Present state and possible use of biological resources of the herpetofauna of Belarus


Current herpetofauna of Belarus is characterized by a relatively low species richness (13 species of amphibians and 7 reptiles), but significant ecological and taxonomic diversity (5 orders, 11 families, 16 genera). 20% of all the species assigned to rare ones and included into the Red data book of the Republic of Belarus (crested newt, natterjack, pond turtle and smooth snake). Due to the wide range of habitats, high abundance and biomass of these groups of populations of vertebrates play a significant and often decisive role in structural organization and bioenergetics of natural ecosystems. Amphibians because of staged development serve as a link between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The species which produce zootoxins and use in medication production have greatest practical importance at present time. The green frogs (pond, edible and pool frogs) traditionally used as a food in the regions of South and Central Europe represent the commercial interest. The results of the number and resource potential estimation for the regional populations of three toxic species of herpetofauna – common adder, common toad and fire-bellied toad are presented, too.

About the Author

S. M. Drobenkov
Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources, Minsk


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For citations:

Drobenkov S.M. Present state and possible use of biological resources of the herpetofauna of Belarus. Natural resources. 2018;(2):44-53. (In Russ.)

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