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Decrease of the suspended solids inputs into the water bodies using the construction of regulating hydrotechnical structures with the Vileyskoye water reservoir as an example


The article is devoted to the role of hydraulic structures (gateways-regulators) in the content of suspended solids and phosphorus compounds reducing. The regulation of suspended solids inputs on the hydrographic network using hydraulic structures is based on the regulation of transport capacity of the watercourse, considering the phase of the hydrological runoff and the hydrological size of the transporting particles. An inverse dependence was found between the diameter of the suspended particles and the transport capacity of the watercourse (an increase of the particle diameter from 0 005 mm to 0 05 mm resulted in a 10-fold decrease in the transport capacity of the flow, an increase up to 0.1 mm – in 20 times, and an increase up to 0.2 mm – in 35.6 times). The revealed dependencies allow to regulate the operation of hydraulic structures to reduce the transfer of suspended particles to the hydrographic network by changing the velocity structure of the flow, expressed in decreasing flow velocity. The most suitable hydraulic regulating structures that ensure a reduction in the removal of suspended solids from reclaimed areas are gateways-regulators and pipes-regulators, stoplogs, and dike dams. Based on the obtained data, the Technical Code of Practice (TCP) 17.06-07 has been developed.

About the Authors

A. P. Sharykau
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk

B. А. Gigеvich
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk

L. N. Gеrtman
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources, Minsk


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For citations:

Sharykau A.P., Gigеvich B.А., Gеrtman L.N. Decrease of the suspended solids inputs into the water bodies using the construction of regulating hydrotechnical structures with the Vileyskoye water reservoir as an example. Natural resources. 2018;(2):14-21. (In Russ.)

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