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Valuation of the effectiveness of land use based on the analysis of vegetation indices (on the example of Brest Polesye’s model polygons)


According to the analysis of dynamics of indicators of the vegetation index NDVI at the period 1985–2017 trends in the biological productivity of the agricultural landscapes of Brest Polesye were identified. Sustainable use of insular agricultural lands of Brest Polesye should be based, primarily, on their environment-forming and environment-stabilizing functions. The positive impact of insular woods on the efficiency of land use in agricultural lands has been proved, expressed in the large (10 %) activities of index NDVI of agricultural lands, including the insular forests in comparison with the agricultural lands without the insular forests.

About the Author

V. А. Maroz
Brest State A.S. Pushkin University, Brest


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For citations:

Maroz V.А. Valuation of the effectiveness of land use based on the analysis of vegetation indices (on the example of Brest Polesye’s model polygons). Natural resources. 2018;(2):5-13. (In Russ.)

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