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The surface and aerological observation assimilation system into the mesoscale numerical model WRF–ARW in Belgidromet


The article describes the automated system for the assimilation of surface meteorological and aerological observational data into the mesoscale numerical model WRF (WRF-ARW), as well as preliminary verifications of the forecast results. This system was developed in the Belgidromet of the Republic of Belarus within the research work “Development of basic elements of the technology of mesoscale forecasting of weather elements on the territory of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of data assimilation in the numerical model of WRF”. The system is aimed at clarifying the fields of objective analysis and forecast, by attracting additional meteorological observations. As a result, the system made it possible to correct the fields and refine the forecasts of the mesoscale numerical model WRF for the initial period of 00 UTC, as well as improve the accuracy of the forecast of the main meteorological values (pressure, temperature and precipitation) in the early simulation periods.

About the Author

P. А. Zaiko
Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring (Belhydromet), Minsk


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For citations:

Zaiko P.А. The surface and aerological observation assimilation system into the mesoscale numerical model WRF–ARW in Belgidromet. Natural resources. 2019;(1):88-95. (In Russ.)

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