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The effect of aromatic hydrocarbons on photosynthetic apparatus of woody plants saplings


The study of the volatile organic compounds group influence represent some aromatic substances on the intensity of the photosynthetic apparatus plants functioning, on the one hand, is relevant for the purpose of comparative analysis of their toxicity degree at single and combined action, on the other hand understudied compared to the effects of oxides of nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide. In this regard, the aim of the work was to study the nature of changes in the content of chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids, as well as indicators of the woody plants photosynthetic apparatus photochemical activity (at least the seedlings of small-leaved linden Tilia cordata Mill. and maple holly Acer platanoides L.) under specified experimental conditions under the influence of o-xylol and benz(a)pyrene different doses. The results of the experiment on the processing of woody plants seedlings leaf blades in urban environment aromatic hydrocarbons indicate that when exposed to o-xylol on the leaf blade studied woody seedlings revealed a decrease in the content of chlorophyll a and b through one day at small-leaved linden, and maple holly – carotenoids. The use of benz(a)pyrene resulted in a maximum reduction in the number of chlorophyll a and carotenoids after three days, the small-leaved linden and maple holly – a chlorophyll b through one day experience. In general, solutions of o-xylol and benz(a)pyrene had the greatest impact on the change in the content of small-leaved linden photosynthesis pigments and the fluorescence parameters of holly maple. The introduction of o-xylol caused the largest decrease in effective quantum output and photochemical quenching of fluorescence after one day at the maple tree, and benz(a)pyrene – values of non-photochemical fluorescence quenching.

About the Author

E. G. Tyulkova
Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel


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For citations:

Tyulkova E.G. The effect of aromatic hydrocarbons on photosynthetic apparatus of woody plants saplings. Natural resources. 2019;(2):72-81. (In Russ.)

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