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A checklist of the water mites from Belarus (Acari: Hydrachnidia)


A checklist is presented of all water mites species recorded from Belarus. This checklist contains old data from the literature as well as new data from several recent visits of the authors to Belarus. The following 14 water mite species are reported new for the fauna of Belarus: Acercopsis pistillifer, Arrenurus berolinensis, Arrenurus latus, Arrenurus perforatus, Arrenurus tricuspidator, Barbaxonella angulata, Eylais rimosa, Hydrodroma pilosa, Limnesia curvipalpis, Limnesia undulatoides, Mideopsis roztoczensis, Mixobates processifer, Parathyas pachystoma and Piona laminata. The checklist includes a number of very rare species, seldom found in Europe, i.e. Atractides pavesii, Barbaxonella angulata and Arrenurus berolinensis. Two species, i.e. Atractides albaruthenicus and A. svislocensis are (near) endemic for Belarus. The checklist tallies 185 species recorded in Belarus, in 19 families and 40 genera. It is expected that this number will increase when more research is done, especially in spring. Many spring species are absent from the end of May onwards. Moreover, more research will increase the number of rare and very rare species.

About the Authors

Harry  Smit
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden

David Tempelman
Soembawastraat 25 F, 1095 VV Amsterdam


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For citations:

Smit H., Tempelman D. A checklist of the water mites from Belarus (Acari: Hydrachnidia). Natural resources. 2019;(2):54-63.

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