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Оn the redeposited silurian ichthyofauna remains in the quaternary deposits of Belarus


The paper presents for the first time the information on the redeposited remains (scales and tesserae) of the Silurian vertebrates found in the Quaternary deposits of Belarus. A complete systematic review and brief descriptions of the agnathan and fish taxa with the identification of their material, determination of their preservation degree, location and geographical distribution, as well as with an assumption of the age of the rock enclosing these ichthyofauna remains and their redeposition type.

About the Author

D. P. Plax
Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk


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For citations:

Plax D.P. Оn the redeposited silurian ichthyofauna remains in the quaternary deposits of Belarus. Natural resources. 2019;(2):34-45.

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ISSN 1810-9810 (Print)