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Assessment of the potential capacity of soils of Belarus for self-purification from oil and oil products


A territorial assessment of the potential capacity of soils for self-purification from oil and oil products has been conducted, taking into consideration the main natural factors affecting the physical and chemical, biological decomposition and mechanical dispersion of contaminants. The assessment has been made with the use of GIS technology. The article outlines the method of development and presents the maps: they include the map of accumulation of hydrocarbons in the soils of Belarus; the intensity of dispersion of oil products by surface runoff and migration of hydrocarbons in the soil section; the removal of hydrocarbons beyond the soil section; the accumulating ability of the soils of Belarus for mechanical dispersion of hydrocarbons and the summarized map of the potential ability of soils for self-purification from hydrocarbons. It is indicated that for the soils of Belarus the main factor in the process of self-purification from oil pollution is their biological degradation. Soils within the central part of Polesye and in the north of the country, as well as the soils of the western part of the republic, have a low potential for self-purification.

About the Authors

М. P. Onoshko
Brach «Institute of Geology» of the State Enterprise «SPC for geology», Minsk

А. S. Glaz
Institute for Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

L. I. Smykovich
Belarusian State University, Minsk

М. A. Podruzhaya
Brach «Institute of Geology» of the State Enterprise «SPC for geology», Minsk


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For citations:

Onoshko М.P., Glaz А.S., Smykovich L.I., Podruzhaya М.A. Assessment of the potential capacity of soils of Belarus for self-purification from oil and oil products. Natural resources. 2019;(2):5-14. (In Russ.)

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