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Comparative analysis of species biodiversity of the bryofloristic complexes of Belarus


The article considers the issues of biodiversity of bryophytes. The studies were made in Belarus and Eastern Europe on the basis of mapping on 390 squares (100 × 100 km). Four subregions (boreal-baltic, boreal-taiga, nemoral-western and nemoral-central) are distinguished in the Belarus, the distribution of bryophytes species was characterized, rare specific species of bryophytes for each subregion were given. Studies have shown that each subregion in a bryological sense, despite its territorial and natural proximity, is characterized by a fairly high species specificity. Only 53 % of bryophytes species in Belarus grow in all 4 subregions, and 60 species (or 12.8 %) grows in only one subregion. More close connections with the main parts of the subregions show the territories of the non-moral zone, in the smaller – the boreal zone. Maps of Belarus bryophytes species distribution on the territory of Eastern Europe are presented.

About the Author

O. M. Maslovsky
V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk


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For citations:

Maslovsky O.M. Comparative analysis of species biodiversity of the bryofloristic complexes of Belarus. Natural resources. 2020;(1):62-69. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1810-9810 (Print)