Efficiency of fertilizers use in plantation of young generative plants of large cranberry
There are the results of comparative investigation in test culture on recultivated areas of peat deposits in Smalyavichy (Minsk Region) and Dokshytsy (Vitebsk Region) districts of influence of mineral (Basacot Plus 6) and organic (Ekogum-complex, 5 and 10 % MaKloR) fertilizings on the basic biometrical characteristics of vegetative organs of five-year-old generative American cranberry plants cv. Ben Lear (early-ripe) and cv. Stevens (late-ripening), taking into account significant interregional, genotypic and intervariant differences in their response. The stimulating effect of the tested agricultural methods on the formation of the current growth of generative shoots with an increase in their average length in the Smalyavichy District by 16–49 % and the number of leaves by 15–39 %, compared to the control, has been established. It ensured the obtaining of a positive cumulative effect from their use in the amount of 5–57 %. In more northern Dokshytsy District activation by 6–21 % of a new appearance of generative shoots with increase in their average length by 6–21 % was determined. This result, despite 10-16 % decrease in the number of leaves because of microbial preparation application, provided cumulative positive effect in the amount of 25–48 % (the greatest effectiveness was observed in both districts with Basacot Plus 6 fertilizer application). Efficiency of Ecogum-complex fertilizer was shown for cv. Ben Lear in Smalyavichy District in comparison with Dokshytsy District. And the microbial preparation MaCloR was the least effective, especially in its 10% concentration (its effectiveness was 4-12 times lower than that of Ecogum complex). At the same time, cv. Stevens has been found to reduce differences in efficiency of mineral and mickrobic fertilizers to 3 times the size with similar efficiency of both MaCloR concentration. And inhibition of sprouting in Ekogum-complex treatment, the use of which in Dokshytsy District, on the contrary, it had an extremely positive effect comparable to that of the application of 10 % MacCloR, which was roughly twice that of mineral fertiliser with a negative cumulative effect of 5 % MacCloR.
About the Authors
A. P. YakovlevBelarus
Zh. A. Rupasova
S. P. Antokhina
I. V. Savosko
E. I. Kolomiets
Z. M. Aleshchenkova
P. N. Bely
T. M. Karbanovich
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For citations:
Yakovlev A.P., Rupasova Zh.A., Antokhina S.P., Savosko I.V., Kolomiets E.I., Aleshchenkova Z.M., Bely P.N., Karbanovich T.M. Efficiency of fertilizers use in plantation of young generative plants of large cranberry. Natural resources. 2020;(1):40-45. (In Russ.)