Estimation of modern changes in the bioclimatic characteristics of the soil and plant cover of the Homiel region
The article presents actual assessments of current and projected climate changes in Homiel region of Belarus. Trends of changes in bioclimatic parameters of different land cover types (vegetation and water indices, daily temperature amplitudes, total evaporation and its components) within Homiel region have been analysed on the basis of remote sensing data for the period from 2000 to 2023. It was shown that statistically significant (p < 0.05) negative trend of spectral water index, characterising water content in soil and plant tissues, is observed on more than 40 % of arable land in Homiel region. About 20 % of arable lands of the region have statistically reliable tendencies of decrease in transpiration of plants and increase in evaporation from the soil. One third of arable land in the region is subjected to increased daily temperature fluctuations (trend coefficient up to 0.3 °C/year). In contrast, on the lands of the region with statistically significant growth of vegetation index there are decrease in evaporation from the soil surface and increase in transpiration of vegetation and reduction in daily temperature amplitudes, which indicates the prospect of introducing agroforestry methods to improve the bioclimatic indicators of arable land in the southern regions of Belarus.
About the Authors
S. A. LysenkoBelarus
M. A. Khitrykau
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For citations:
Lysenko S.A., Khitrykau M.A. Estimation of modern changes in the bioclimatic characteristics of the soil and plant cover of the Homiel region. Natural resources. 2024;(2):17-29. (In Russ.)