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The change of zoobenthos abundance with depth in lake Severnyi Volos and lake Yuzhnyi Volos


For the first time, the values of the macrozoobenthos average abundance in Severnyi Volos lake and Yuzhnyi Volos lake (which belong to the Braslav Lakes group of the National Park “Braslav lakes”) were determined. Despite the similar trophic status of the lakes, the average abundance in lake Yuzhnyi Volos was 3 times higher due to the more favorable oxygen regime. In both lakes the population mainly consists of the Chironomidae larvae (in lake Yuzhnyi Volos – 55.8 %, in lake Severnyi Volos –70.1 %). It has been found that community abundance in general, its distinct taxonomic groups and species vary with depth. The distribution of the total abundance is similar in both lakes: from the shallow-water site with increasing depth there is rise up to the maximum values, and then there is a decrease to the profundal. Each of the lakes had its own peculiarities. Minimum abundance in lake Yuzhnyi Volos were observed at the coastal station, in lake Severnyi Volos – at maximum depth. Low abundance of the zoobenthos in the coastal zone of lake Yuzhnyi Volos is a result of the underdevelopment of higher aquatic vegetation, and the maximum depths of lake Severnyi Volos are characterized by a lack of oxygen, which also is a limiting factor. Differences observed in the distribution of individual groups and species, depend on changes in temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration, which determines the development of certain species populations in these conditions. Both benthic relic species Pallasiopsis quadrispinosa Sars, 1867 and Monoporeia affinis Lindström, 1885, although they live at depth, are spatially separated – the Monoporea has a maximum at the 20 m depth, and Pallasiopsis inhabits less deep bottom areas.

About the Authors

I. I. Lapuka
Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Bioresources, Minsk

V. V. Vezhnavets
Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Bioresources, Minsk


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For citations:

Lapuka I.I., Vezhnavets V.V. The change of zoobenthos abundance with depth in lake Severnyi Volos and lake Yuzhnyi Volos. Natural resources. 2020;(1):31-39. (In Russ.)

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