Natural potential of the rivers of the administrative regions of Belarus: the structure of the profiling types of tourist and recreational use and its limiting factors
The results of the assessment of the natural tourist and recreational potential of rivers at the level of the administrative regions of Belarus are presented, which made it possible to determine the proportion of suitable river sections for various types of aquatic recreation and tourism and to establish their limiting factors in the context of the regions of the country. It was revealed that in all regions the maximum share of river sections with suitable natural potential is recorded for amateur fishing (from 63.3% in the Brest region to 95.8 % in Minsk), amateur hunting (from 69.84 % in Vitebsk to 98.6 % in Minsk) and boating (from 21.5 % in Mogilev to 63.5 % in Vitebsk) and for yachting (32.1 % in Gomel), the minimum is for yachting (3.2 % in Vitebsk), swimming (from 4.1 % in Minsk to 17.0 % in Gomel) and scuba diving (from 1.3 % in Minsk to 13.2 % in Gomel). It was found that water skiing is possible only on river sections in the Vitebsk (from 1.6 %) and Gomel (1.9 %) regions. It is determined that the structure of limiting factors is represented by general, special and individual factors, the number of which varies from 3 – for swimming, scuba diving and water skiing to 1–2 – for amateur fishing and amateur hunting.
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For citations:
Shevtsova N.S. Natural potential of the rivers of the administrative regions of Belarus: the structure of the profiling types of tourist and recreational use and its limiting factors. Natural resources. 2024;(1):78-88. (In Russ.)