Influence of weather conditions in the vegetation period on the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the fruit of new introduced varieties of northern highbush of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) under the conditions of Belarus
The results of a comparative study in the southern agro-climatic zone of Belarus in the contrasting hydrothermal regime seasons of 2021 and 2022 are presented. Parameters of accumulation of the main groups of bioflavonoids and tannins in the fruits of six new introduced varieties of highbush blueberry of different ripening periods – early ripening Chanticleer, Hannah’s Choice, mid-ripening Bluegold, Harrison and late-ripening Aurora, Rubel, as well as zoned varieties corresponding to these ripeness groups Weymouth, Bluecrop and Elliott. The results showed a significant dependence of interseasonal differences in the content of these compounds on the timing of fruit ripening periods. Reduced and very uneven temperature background of the second season with an acute moisture deficit in June and August of 2022 contributed to the activation of anthocyanin pigments accumulation only in early-ripening blueberry varieties, which, in the absence of an effect on the content of catechins and flavonols, caused an increase in bioflavonoid yield. Simultaneously, taxa with later fruit ripening dates showed a marked weakening of all components of the P-vitamin complex was found, which led to a decrease in their total number by 7–22 % relative to the previous season, more favorable in terms of hydrothermal regime. At the same time, early ripening blueberry varieties and previously studied blue honeysuckle plants showed a distinct similarity in the enrichment of anthocyanin complex of fruits due to the proximity of their ripening dates and associated in the first case with the activation of leucoanthocyanins biosynthesis, and in the second case – with anthocyanins proper. In the fruits of early-ripening and late-ripening blueberry varieties, an identical character of ambiguous manifestation of inter-seasonal differences in the content of tannins, due to the plant genotype, was established against the background of increased accumulation of these compounds compared to the previous season in mid-ripening varieties, the most significant in the variety Harrison. In the taxonomic series of blueberries, the med-maturing variety Bluegold was characterized by the least pronounced interseasonal differences in the content of phenolic compounds complex in fruits, indicating the greatest resistance to abiotic factors.
About the Authors
Zh. A. RupasovaBelarus
K. A. Dobryanskaya
V. S. Zadala
D. O. Sulim
N. B. Pavlovsky
A. G. Pavlovskaya
O. V. Drozd
P. N. Bely
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For citations:
Rupasova Zh.A., Dobryanskaya K.A., Zadala V.S., Sulim D.O., Pavlovsky N.B., Pavlovskaya A.G., Drozd O.V., Bely P.N. Influence of weather conditions in the vegetation period on the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the fruit of new introduced varieties of northern highbush of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) under the conditions of Belarus. Natural resources. 2024;(1):45-56. (In Russ.)