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Economic and geographical characteristics of countries of the world in terms of availability of strategic types of mineral resources: oil, natural gas, coal, uranium


This article considers and describes the existing models of mineral resource endowment. The accepted classification of mineral reserves in the Republic of Belarus is presented. A number of major or strategically important minerals that determine the strategic composition of the fuel and energy balance are analyzed. Trends and changes in the quantitative ratio of strategic types of fossil raw materials, reasons and factors that affected the change in production and reserves in the period from 2011 to 2021 in the cross-country context are analyzed. Recommendations have been made, allowing the Republic of Belarus to move from the import model of mineral and raw materials supply to the combined one.

About the Author

A. V. Tsedrik
Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus



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For citations:

Tsedrik A.V. Economic and geographical characteristics of countries of the world in terms of availability of strategic types of mineral resources: oil, natural gas, coal, uranium. Natural resources. 2024;(1):13-21. (In Russ.)

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