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Erosion potential of the relief of agricultural lands in Belarus


The analysis of morphometry (length and steepness) of slopes of arable and meadow lands by administrative districts and regions of Belarus was carried out. It is shown that slopes with a steepness of 1–3° prevail on agricultural lands, occupying 39.5 % with fluctuations in the regions from 31.8 to 48.2 %. Slopes with a steepness of > 10° make up 2.4 % of the total land area in the republic. The most susceptible to erosion processes are cultivated lands located on slopes with a steepness of 5 ° and above. There is a high proportion of arable land on such slopes in the Postavsky, Braslavsky, Mozyr and Gorodok districts. About 55 % of arable lands and 82 % of meadow lands are located on slopes longer than 500 m. The areas of arable and meadow lands on short slopes (< 100 m) occupy 13.2 and 5.5 %, respectively. As a rule, short slopes are more steep.

About the Authors

M. M. Tsybulka
International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University


I. I. Zhukova
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank



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For citations:

Tsybulka M.M., Zhukova I.I. Erosion potential of the relief of agricultural lands in Belarus. Natural resources. 2023;(2):78-85. (In Russ.)

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