Biodiversity of lichens and closely related fungi in oak forests of the broad-leaved pine forest subzone in Belarus
Information is given on the species composition of lichens and closely related fungi in floodplain and upland oak forests of the broad-leaved-pine forest subzone of Belarus. The lichen biota of oak forests in the subzone of the broad-leavedpine forests is represented by 191 species: 178 species of lichens, 7 non-lichenized fungi: Chaenothecopsis pusilla, C. rubescens, Microcalicium disseminatum, Mycocalicium subtile, Sarea difformis, S. resinae and Stenocybe pullatula, 6 lichenicolous fungi: Abrothallus parmotrematis, Chaenothecopsis epithallina, Clypeococcum hypocenomycis, Sphinctrina turbinata, Stigmidium microspilum and Xanthoriicola physciae. Substrate and phytocenotic confinement of species is indicated; new habitats of protected lichen species are given: Calicium adspersum, Cetrelia olivetorum, Chaenotheca chlorella, Hypotrachyna revoluta, Lobaria pulmonaria and Parmotrema stuppeum.
About the Author
A. A. P. YatsynaBelarus
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For citations:
Yatsyna A.A. Biodiversity of lichens and closely related fungi in oak forests of the broad-leaved pine forest subzone in Belarus. Natural resources. 2023;(2):63-72. (In Russ.)