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Biodiversity of lichens and closely related fungi in oak forests of the broad-leaved pine forest subzone in Belarus


Information is given on the species composition of lichens and closely related fungi in floodplain and upland oak forests of the broad-leaved-pine forest subzone of Belarus. The lichen biota of oak forests in the subzone of the broad-leavedpine forests is represented by 191 species: 178 species of lichens, 7 non-lichenized fungi: Chaenothecopsis pusilla, C. rubescens, Microcalicium disseminatum, Mycocalicium subtile, Sarea difformis, S. resinae and Stenocybe pullatula, 6 lichenicolous fungi: Abrothallus parmotrematis, Chaenothecopsis epithallina, Clypeococcum hypocenomycis, Sphinctrina turbinata, Stigmidium microspilum and Xanthoriicola physciae. Substrate and phytocenotic confinement of species is indicated; new habitats of protected lichen species are given: Calicium adspersum, Cetrelia olivetorum, Chaenotheca chlorella, Hypotrachyna revoluta, Lobaria pulmonaria and Parmotrema stuppeum.

About the Author

A. A. P. Yatsyna
V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus



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For citations:

Yatsyna A.A. Biodiversity of lichens and closely related fungi in oak forests of the broad-leaved pine forest subzone in Belarus. Natural resources. 2023;(2):63-72. (In Russ.)

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