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Macrozoobenthos of the Mukhavets River


In the studied part of the Mukhavets River, 45 lowest defined taxa (LT) belonging to three phyla of macrozoobenthos: Mollusca – 15; Annelida – 3 and Arthropoda – 27. Among the collected aquatic invertebrates in the Mukhavets River, 18 species were noted for the first time. The observed species composition corresponded to the research season (October) and a traditional set of invertebrate species characteristic of the rivers in southern Belarus and varied from 18 (40.0 % of all collected animals) to 31 LT (68.9 %, respectively). The number of macrozoobenthos organisms varied from 503 specimens (41.9 % of all collected animals) to 107 specimens. (9.10 %, respectively) in the studied biotopes of the Mukhavets River. Among the identified animals, the species of invasive mollusks – Lithoglyphus naticoides (Pfeiffer, 1828) was noted, as well as a very rare species for Belarus, found only for the second time – Aulongyrus concinus (Klug, 1834). In addition, species protected in a number of Western European countries were identified in the studied site of the Mukhavets River.

About the Authors

M. D. Moroz
Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources


V. I. Razlutskij
Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources



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For citations:

Moroz M.D., Razlutskij V.I. Macrozoobenthos of the Mukhavets River. Natural resources. 2023;(2):57-52. (In Russ.)

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