Trematodes associated with the alien gastropod species Lithoglyphus Naticoides in Belarus
This article presents the results of the study of trematodes developing with the participation of the gastropod Lithoglyphus naticoides. Total 7 414 specimens L. naticoides from the Pripyat and Dnieper rivers in Belarus was surveyed for 2021–2022. Twelve species of trematodes of the class Trematoda have been recorded, of which 11 species belong to the subclass Digenea and one species to the subclass Aspidogastrea. The species Aspidogaster conchicola is first recorded in the gastropod L. naticoides. This trematode species is characterized by parasitism in bivalve mollusks, and gastropods L. naticoides are an accidental host. The average value of gastropodes infection by trematodes for two years of research in both rivers was 27.02%. Trematodes of the species complex of the genus Apophallus and the species Sanguinicola volgensis were most frequently recorded, their infestation was 13.44 and 7.06 %, respectively.
About the Author
L. N. AkimovaBelarus
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For citations:
Akimova L.N. Trematodes associated with the alien gastropod species Lithoglyphus Naticoides in Belarus. Natural resources. 2023;(2):29-35. (In Russ.)