Interannual fluctuations of ground-level ozone in Belarus in the winter period
The features in the behavior of ground-level ozone on the territory of Belarus in January 2021 and 2022 are analyzed. In 2022, noticeably higher ozone concentrations were recorded at all observation points compared to 2021. It was shown that the discussed differences are not associated with changes in the level of anthropogenic air pollution. They are caused by differences in meteorological conditions during these periods. Determining the reasons for such differences is important for understanding the specifics of the climatology of ground-level ozone in Belarus and developing a reliable forecast of its behavior in the future. Previously, a regression equation was introduced to describe the behavior of ground-level ozone in Belarus, the main purpose of which was to explain the high observed concentrations in the spring-summer period. The coefficients of the equation were also determined taking into account the winter period. However, additional explanatory variables important for this period were not taken into account. The ability of this equation to adequately reproduce the results of observations in the winter period is discussed.
About the Authors
A. N. AkimovBelarus
R. N. Burak
A. M. Liudchik
E. A. Melnik
P. N Paulenka
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For citations:
Akimov A.N., Burak R.N., Liudchik A.M., Melnik E.A., Paulenka P.N. Interannual fluctuations of ground-level ozone in Belarus in the winter period. Natural resources. 2023;(1):12-21. (In Russ.)