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Influence of cyclogenesis in the Atlantic-European sector on the spatial and temporal distribution of atmospheric precipitation in Belarus


The study presents an assessment of average and extreme precipitation indicators on the territory of Belarus which are associated with the cyclones in the Atlantic-European sector during the period of 1979–2019. It is shown that 55 % of annual precipitation over the territory of Belarus is caused by the North Atlantic cyclones, 14 % − by southern cyclones, about 1 % − diving ones, the frontal precipitation − 6–13 %, convective (in May-August) − 6–12 % of the annual amount. Precipitation amounts resulting from the passage of North Atlantic cyclones are predominantly decreasing, but an increase is noted with the regeneration of the major cyclones over the continent. Precipitation associated with southern cyclones increased in winter and spring and decreased in summer and autumn. An increase in sums of frontal and convective precipitation in summer was noted at most meteorological stations. The greatest intensity of precipitation on the territory of Belarus was detected for convective processes, but in some cases, powerful southern cyclones provide absolute maximum precipitation, exceeding convective maximums.

About the Authors

I. S. Danilovich
Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


V. F. Loginov
Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


A. V. Begansky
Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus



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For citations:

Danilovich I.S., Loginov V.F., Begansky A.V. Influence of cyclogenesis in the Atlantic-European sector on the spatial and temporal distribution of atmospheric precipitation in Belarus. Natural resources. 2023;(1):5-11. (In Russ.)

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