Oxychilus translucidus (Mortillet, 1854) – a new invasive land snail species (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Zonitidae) in the fauna of Belarus
This paper discusses the first finding of the Caucasian invasive land snail Oxychilus translucidus (Mortillet, 1854) in Belarus. The material was collected in July 2019 on the territory of the private sector of Minsk. The discovery is clearly synan- thropic.
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For citations:
Ostrovsky A.M. Oxychilus translucidus (Mortillet, 1854) – a new invasive land snail species (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Zonitidae) in the fauna of Belarus. Natural resources. 2022;(1):110-111. (In Russ.)