Integration of the Emerald Network principles into the system of Territorial Nature Protection of the Republic of Belarus
Presently the Emerald Network of Belarus consists of 155 sites approved by the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention with the official status of Areas of Special Conservation Interest, 7 Candidate sites and 15 Proposed sites – new areas for nomination. The actual sites of the Emerald Network on the territory of the Republic of Belarus were analyzed for the presence of national and international nature protection status. The current level of protection of the Emerald Network objects was assessed, territories with an insufficient level of protection were identified and the main ways for their preservation were proposed. A strategy and action plan for integrating the principles of the Emerald Network into the system of Territorial Nature Protection of the Republic of Belarus has been developed. The findings were drawn up in the form of an Analytical note and Proposals and submitted to the relevant environmental authorities.
About the Authors
N. A. ZeliankevichBelarus
D. G. Grummo
M. M. Rahouski
A. V. Tsimashkova
O. V. Sozinov
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For citations:
Zeliankevich N.A., Grummo D.G., Rahouski M.M., Tsimashkova A.V., Sozinov O.V. Integration of the Emerald Network principles into the system of Territorial Nature Protection of the Republic of Belarus. Natural resources. 2022;(1):79-92. (In Russ.)