Changes in the bioclimatic potential of the Republic of Belarus
The article presents statistical calculations of equivalent-effective temperature, weather severity index for 49 weather stations in Belarus for the period of instrumental observations 1966–2019. The weather severity index allowed us to characterize the degree of influence of variable weather conditions on the functional state of the body. Comfortable weather conditions are noted only in summer, in winter their nature is exasperating or acute. Changes in bioclimatic indicators of the territory of the re- public in connection with changes in the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation were revealed .
About the Authors
V. F. LoginovBelarus
O. G. Savich-Shemet
M. A. Hitrykau
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For citations:
Loginov V.F., Savich-Shemet O.G., Hitrykau M.A. Changes in the bioclimatic potential of the Republic of Belarus. Natural resources. 2022;(1):16-24. (In Russ.)